The Book Of Love (Englisch)

5,99 €

Perfect Harmony - Never More Lovesick

I would like to write down my thoughts about love in this book. Try to explain love from my point of view, divide and explain it in the individual variations.

A couple of food for thought give to partnership and what is necessary for a happy relationship, to respond to the magic of love and love spells, to heartache and how one can possibly overcome it more easily.

I would be happy if this book succeeds in making it easier for one or the other to understand love and or his or her partner a little better, if perhaps a troubled relationship becomes more harmonious again or if the crisis does not even occur.

I think it makes perfect sense if both people in a partnership read this book, either each for themselves or both together, read this book and discuss the individual points, which will improve understanding can arise and the relationship can grow. I also want this book to help overcome heartache, or even better, the heartache does not arise at all.

People tend to make things complicated, especially in love. They often think too much.